วันเสาร์ที่ 19 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

When you negotiate, the money is not important as you think

Let me tell you my favorite thing: If you sell your product or service, money is the list of things that are important to the other side.

First, we talk about something that you find it hard to believe, but it's something I'm convinced that people spend more, do not want less, and more on the prices of the supplier "to people who sell them.

Then I will teach you all that most people are important toMoney.

Finally, I will outline some techniques on how to pay.

People want to pay more or less

After nearly two decades of sales training, I became convinced that affects the prices of suppliers "for persons who do not sell. I will go even further, I believe that the customer can apply for lower prices, are secret, the more for pay for the product. He listens before you dismiss this asstupid.
I was responsible for the merchandise to Montgomery Ward store in Bakersfield, California, in 1971. Bakersfield, while it was a great city, the volume of business in the 13th Rank in a chain of over 600 branches. Why? In my opinion, because the Office has left us alone and we could sell to the needs of the local population. For example, we have a big thing in the apartment air conditioners because of the outrageously hot summers. In Bakersfield, it is common forIt's 100 degrees at midnight. In these days of a medium blue-collar town house that costs about $ 30,000. The air-conditioning systems can be installed in these houses cost $ 10000-12000. It is very difficult for me to have started, new suppliers that sell in that department, because he sell any real opposition to anything that costs more money than he had ever done in one year. Just think that someone over $ 12,000 in an air conditioned house grew from 30,000 U.S. dollars.Customers were willing to pay, as represented our high turnover, but the seller is willing to support such decisions, because he thought it would be too expensive.

However, if I could the sellers have begun to do that a lot of money and have her son think of their homes air, installed a sudden I do not think it was not so frightening, like most begun, and the price objection, as if they didn t 'exists.

Top brokers havethe same problem. It is very difficult for them to ask a client to use up to $ 100,000 to invest, if they do not know where the money comes after lunch. As soon as they get richer, their sales avalanche.

I am therefore of the opinion that the concerns of the sellers price more than it applies to all customers. This is confirmed by the experience of one of my clients is demonstrated by a developer and manufacturer of point of sale / purchase of AIDS and shows. He said that if three products on a shelf of a store, but maybe three toasters andCharacteristics of each are described on the packaging, customers often choose more money to work, if the seller comes to the aid in the selection. When this happens, the seller, who works for minimum wage, probably can not justify spending upwards and can talk to the customers by the end of low average - Toaster Online.

The important element is the description on the packaging. You need the customer a reason tospend more money, but if you do want to spend more, not less. I think that is money that Americans can best. We love to spend money. We spent six billion dollars per year in this country, and if you could walk into a store and find a seller who knew nothing of the product, we would be seven billion U.S. dollars for one years. And then we spend our hard-earned dollars after taxes. What happens when you spend asking someone who works for a companyMoney now? There is only one thing better than her money, and someone else's money. If this were not enough, remember that business expenses are tax deductible, if Uncle Sam is 40 percent of the bill.

I think we have it all wrong all these years. If you try to sell someone something, you do not need to spend less, wants to spend more. However, you must do two things:

1. It musther a reason to spend more money.

2. Must be convinced that they do not get a better deal than you could get their bid.

This second point is where the trade occurs because there is all that I teach, designed to win others, could not be better to negotiate and persuade. Let's face it, is what you pay for something really important? If you buy a new car, whether you spend € 20,000 or $ 21,000 for? Notforgotten, in fact, as soon as you pay, and the slight increase in payments has no impact on your lifestyle. What counts is the feeling that one the best possible deal. You do not want to go to work, gathered in the morning and get all around to admire your new car, if someone says, "How is it done?

They say: "I worked terribly on an agreement. I have $ 21,000."
"You paid what?" He replies. "My friend bought one of theseand paid only $ 20,000. It should be self-Street Mall "That's What Hurts the feeling that you are not the best conditions.

The assertion that every seller is to feel the objection of the price. "We look forward to doing business with you, but the price is too high." Let me tell you something. It has nothing to do with money. Could the price by 20 percent over the board to reduce and you still can hear the objection. I trained providers TonLawn mower factory in the world. Probably one of their products because they sell the low-end private label and discount chain lawn mower. Nobody can keep their costs for power mowers. You have such a science that you have purchased, when one of their mowers at Home Depot and made you the head of the girl, the car carries a U.S. dollar, the boy is more than a lawn mower that the work done. Is how small their profit margin. However, if II asked her to tell me to guess the number one complaint buyers in the shops, what they say? You got it. "Your prices are too high."

He feels that any indication of the time when people who are selling to study the techniques of negotiation. They meet in groups at their meetings and sit at the bar, saying things like, "You have more fun with sellers? Let them go through their entire presentation. Take every time they want. Then, ifFinally, tell you what it costs to relax on a chair to tell her feet on the table, "I want to do business with you, but your prices are too high." So, I try not to laugh, because stammer and stutter and do not know what to say. "
Instead of having this kind of thing you work in a sweat, take the attitude that negotiation is a game that you learn the rules of the game, practice, practice, practice to do well and then play the gamecan muster with all the enthusiasm. Negotiation is a game to make it fun, if you know what to do and have the confidence, is to play with power.

The next time you try, someone money they really want, do not forget to spend with you, not to spend less. Everything you need to do is to them a reason and convince them that there is no way to get more.

Things that are more important than money

A reporter once asked at a press conference,Astronaut Neil Armstrong, describing his thoughts, as Apollo 11 approached the moon. He said: "I just thought that I built it in a spaceship for the best price. A cute line, but was a widespread belief that the government should do business with whoever bids the lowest price afflicted. Of course, that is not true, but it's amazing to think how many people. I hear all the time my secrets negotiating seminars on: "What can we do when it comes towith the government? You have to accept the lowest bid.

Once I found myself sitting next to a procurement official at the Pentagon on a flight to the East Coast, and I raised the matter with him. "Every time I hear that the government is buying to the highest bidder. Is it really so?

"My God, no," he said. "It would really be in trouble if this was true. The cost is far from the top of the list of what is important to us. We are much more with the experience of a companythe experiences of workers and the management team that is assigned to a product, and their ability to work on time. The rules say that we are the highest bidder, what we believe to be able to buy meet our specifications. If we find that a provider is best know for us, we just write the specifications for suppliers. "

Of course, this is the key to selling to local authorities, both in the city, county, state or federal government. If you wantDo business with all levels of government, could become the best known to insiders as the people in your environment, so that is when the body begins to prepare for the bid specifications, welcome your advice on what should be defined. Fortunately, the trend is set such an offer directly to the Authority for a project manager in the private sector to oversee the work. With the inclusion of such a person around to avoid the obligation to leave offerings and let the EastNegotiate the best terms.

Thus, even if the federal government, the price is by far not the most important. When you are dealing with a company that is not a law, has more than a notice, far from the top of the list. Just for fun, see the following list of things that are probably more than the price for the buyer important.

The belief that offering the best deal that you are willing to. The quality of the product or service. This isinteresting, because I will often hear from the sellers, an element which has a commodity to sell, and no matter what the source of the buyer and the buyer the lowest price. Nonsense. If that were true, 90 percent of companies that would bankrupt any such products or services. If that were true, the only company that could exist on the market, is to receive the offer with the lowest price and is an absurd suggestion. The words thatoffer. Many large companies are increasingly financing their products than they sell the product. I recently made a top-of-the-line luxury cars, and was convinced that the fact that the car was only a small part of what has made this company. The real money has rental or financing the acquisition. The delivery time is proposed. They come to them when they need it and rely on him to continue to do so? Give yourself a fair-to-delivery system in time? Sixready to leave the hall of the product and the account of how you use it? The experiences that you have to offer a product or service. They know what kind of society and its way of doing business? If you are comfortable with this kind of relationship? Ensures that we usually offer, and how we stand behind what you are doing. I once paid several hundred dollars to buy a product in a store Sharper Image. Broke after several months in a part, and I called their number to 800see if you take care of the problem. After hearing only the mean time, what was the problem, the operator said: "If you give me your address I will give FedEx a replacement part for you."

I said: "You do not need to know when and where I have purchased?" I'm not sure if I can find on my return. "

"I do not need to know everything," he said. "I just want to be sure you are with what you've purchased content." When a company is short of what they do, at this point I ambe really surprised if they have the prices, or not? Of course not.

Return privileges. It is, if not yours? Are you an inventory of their actions and do it automatically for them? Building a working partnership with you and your company. The old adversarial relationship between supplier and customer is in danger of extinction, such as smart companies realize the benefits of developing a mutually beneficial partnership with its suppliers. Credit. A line of credit with yourCompanies may be more important than price, especially for a startup or in an industry where cash flow is cyclical, and you can take during the lean months. Your employees. If the contract can do something (aerospace, construction) or to engage in a service), (legal, accounting or business services, other factors may be more important than money:

The quality of employees assigned to work.

The level of management --is assigned to supervise the work.

The ability and willingness to adapt the product and packaging needs. The respect we give them. Often a company will spend a significant supplier of a little, because he wants to be a substantial part of the activities of suppliers, the spirit more than leverage.Peace. AT & T still my phone company, even if they are more expensive than Sprint and MCI, and has never claimed that they are not. I will stay with them becauseService was not a problem and too many years and have more important things to me that a change to save call.Reliability television company a few dollars. Can have confidence that the quality of products and services is still high?

Learn how to ask a seller

Now look at some techniques, the lowest price, find the seller. If you are the spectrum of the desire of the seller's purchase price trading intervals (which they hope tomust pay) all the way down to the walk-away price (at least everything that does not sell, all). The same applies in reverse with the buyer. As we can explore on foot from the seller, the price difference? Let's say your neighbor has ordered 15,000 U.S. dollars for his truck. Here are some techniques you can use to find the lowest prices.

Ask. That sounds incredibly naive, but if that's not a good negotiator, you can only say what on his mind. Of course not, bargaining power does not fallthese, but many. When it comes to bargaining, it automatically turns the tables on you by saying: "I think that 15,000 dollars and a very fair price, but if you want to make this offer somewhere, I talk to my wife (see Alta authorities In chapter 7). What is the best price you offer me?

Of course, the way you ask the lower price is a big difference. Try these approaches:

"I'm really only interested in, not a van for occasional use,so beautiful as yours. See what the landlord asks only $ 5000. However, I think to be fair to you and ask what the minimum that we must be fair. "

Both approaches Reluctant buyers (see Chapter 5): After asking a lot of time just once, and therefore, that you say: "I am happy the whole time that you agree with me, but unfortunately that's not what I have. But I wish you good luck with it. "Then, when you halfway to your carpossible to say, "Look, I really want is for you because you spent so much time with me to be so simple that you know what is the lowest you release the mouse button?"

The end of the question, but tell him that you have a friend who might be interested. One could say: "Thanks for showing me, but in reality is not what I want. But I have a friend who wanted something similar, but do not have much money. What is to be taken the least" D? "A nibblethe costs of intermediaries. Have "When my friend bought from you, give me $ 500 finder's fee? See something back, whether it lower the price." Would you less time if I take the time? When other people bid lower than the super-low expectations of the seller. That is immoral, of course, but I tell you, so that you can recognize when they are used against you. If the seller will receive $ 15,000 for his truck, your work convinced$ 10,000 in May sounds like an insult. However, there were only two bids so far, one for $ 7000 and one for $ 8000 when you come and offer him $ 10,000, you can directly. Make a low offer is subject to approval by the higher authority. "My friend and I are going this way I must run to him, but it might take $ 10,000?"

Now look at some of the techniques that the seller could use to determine how a buyer is willing to pay. Suppose you sell, the computerProducers. Here are some techniques you can use:

Improve their offer before assuming that your higher authority is willing to make. Perhaps you can buy similar switches at a cost of $ 1.50 and ask $ 2.00. One could say: "We both agree that we have a better product. If I could head it up to $ 1.75, that would work for you? Protected by a higher authority, this does not mean you sell them for $ 1.75. However, he acknowledged that would receive $ 1.75,It has increased its trading range of $ 1.75, so that you are only 25 "apart instead of 50th to determine their quality standards, a lighter version." Maybe we can fall to below 1, do not worry $ 50, not when the copper contacts. Would work for you? In this way, you will probably recognize that the price is not their only concern. They are concerned about the quality. Implement, as they can afford to offer a version of higher quality. "We can create a new item to addchange, but he estimates a cost of about $ 2.50. "If a buyer shows interest in the function, you know, I might pay more. If he or she says:" I do not care whether it covered with diamonds. We can not go above $ 1.75, you know that the installation of the product in a price range a serious problem. Remove themselves as potential suppliers. This disarms the buyer and can lead to information that would not so thought you were still in the game show. You say: "Joe, how we do businesswith you, but that's just not for us. Let us get together a little later. "After Joe disarmed in this way, a little 'later we can say:" Sorry, I could not work with switches, but just between you and me what you think realistically we can buy? "You can say:" I know that $ 1.50 is lowball number, but I think finding someone to go up to around 1.80 U.S. dollars.

As you can see what we have discussed, there is much to say about this topicPrice. The negotiators did not know about the problem of prices by the assumption that the price is higher than that of the mind of another person tighten. Furthermore, it is ridiculous to say that you sell a commodity, and should sell for less than the price of your competitors sell it for you.

