วันพุธที่ 3 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Print Brokers - They Do All The Dirty Work So You Don't Have To

Printing Brokers don't have any commercial printing equipment whatsoever, so why are they better??

Consider this!!

Do you think anybody gives a toss about, or even thinks about, where the latest magazine they're reading was printed, what type of press it was printed one or whether the gloss laminate on the cover was heat bonded or cold pressed (yawn)?

Printing Brokers don't have any commercial printing equipment whatsoever, so how are they cheaper??

I don't think so Tim.

Yet the vast majority of printing companies still sell the sausage and not the sizzle.

They try to impress their customers by talking sexy (sexy??) industry jargon about how they've just "commissioned" their new whiz bang 5 over 5 colours + aqueous varnishing printing press that does a great flat white & mows your lawn every other Saturday.

You can hear the cracking as the customer's eyes glaze over!!

I guess this stems from way back when business people visited their print shop to be greeted by the boss or the "foreman" wearing King Gees splattered with ink or a lovely dark blue apron over Khaki shorts.


I know this sort of stuff because that's what my boss used to wear when I was doing my apprenticeship. Oh, and I used to wear the outfit as well.

Call me blind- but no matter how hard I try I just cannot envisage either character creaming orders after knocking on your door & describing in detail how their 2 colour press has just been serviced and is now running much better so they need more work for it - who cares?

Here's How a Print Broker Works

Print Brokers work along very similar lines to an insurance broker or finance broker.

What business owner or manager these days doesn't use the services of one or both of these providers.

And the majority of home mortgages are now written by mortgage originators (finance brokers)

And the reason is... they provide a superior service, usually at a more competitve price

When they receive a quote or an order from a customer, they negotiate & haggle with their suppliers to get the best price. If they don't get the best price first time, they return with a large stick with Customer written on it and belt them around the ears until they get the absolute lowest price possible.

All the while, each supplier knows that they're competing against other suppliers for the work.

This means that the Print Broker's customers get rock bottom prices and pay less than ever for their company printing.

The Early Days

Initially, many brokers were extremely cautious about letting their customers know about what they actually did.

They would, well, you know, sort of indicate that they were printers, being fearful that if the customers realised that they did not actually print anything they would be on the wrong end of - the stare of death.

You know the one.

However over the years as their confidence grew they started to talk freely, although cautiously at first, about the service that they provided and I soon started to realise that they had absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

Most consumers could see the benefits of dealing with a print broker.

They understood how the benefits could be of value their organisation.

Most brokers now make it known to everybody, at every opportunity, that they are most definitely NOT printers and that's the very reason they should use a print broker for all their printing.

To me, it's a no brainer.

Printing Companies are PRODUCTION Driven.

Many have huge, expensive, hungry presses (with huge lease payments) that they absolutely must keep running at all cost so their focus is well & truly on production.

And so it should be.

Keeping up with "bleeding edge" technology so "my press runs faster than yours" is an extremely expensive game to play. But that's what they need to do, to remain competitive.

I've seen it many times.

Printer A has always got a ton of work on the schedule because he has the latest technology and is the favourite with advertising agencies and the "leather lounge set"

Then, printer B catches on and upgrades his equipment (at great cost, a large commercial press can cost upwards of $1 million) and over a period of time, printer A's scheduling board starts to look a little lonely.

So the expensive game continues...

A print broker simply does not have these concerns. They don't waste time on production related problems or issues so they have more time to focus on you, the customer.

Print Brokers are SERVICE Driven.

So.. now you know.

If you're a busy organisation with little time for the menial task of printing, a Print Broker may be just what you need.

Perhaps you should give one a try.

