วันศุกร์ที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

What to see it in the purchase of DME Billing Software

Purchase software can be a difficult task, mainly because making it one of the most important decisions you will. The right software or technology solutions to reduce the DSO to improve productivity, reduce costs and morality plays an important role in the perception of your company. A wrong decision can be devastating.

Considerations should revolve around the functionality of applications, operating system and basic software, stabilityProvider of software, support, planning long-term suppliers, training and implementation, customer satisfaction levels and the availability of technologies such as document imaging and bar codes. If not all the time is important, as the business grows, they are all important.

Here are some questions that should be taken into account when evaluating the software vendors and hope to avoid that the wrong choice.

Whatis the difference between the settlement "system" and "management" solution?

Be sold, despite the hype, the software packages on the pharmacy and infusion of MPP market, not the most glorious of billing systems, with some additional functions that the supplier treated as secondary, such as "inventory management". In most cases, the software company that is the essential activities of an HME or infusion provider bill. We all know that this is not only wrong, it isis an insult! Billing is the result of what we all do, and to offer quality health care to the patients, the provision of products and services is the reason the company exists.

Despite the emphasis on taxes, many of these vendors are not really on the operational requirements of a supplier to understand in full, and this can lead to a situation where, if you are not paid until an inquiry is to be affected or missing. A management solution to be built in real checks and balances to ensurethat all departments must perform the required tasks so that only "valid" commands are sent and paid the application. For patients included, order, settlement, should not you fall between the cracks, the patient with the products and services is requested, you can be paid off at last.

A management solution goes beyond the settlement and is almost every aspect of your business, including those affecting the administration of clinical data and to grant accessTo store data management and marketing in order to improve decision making, inventory and purchasing, transportation, customer service, credit and collections, maintenance of equipment, operations and retail pharmacy, where appropriate.

A true management solution integrates the latest technology, document imaging, point of service, the bar code, electronic interfaces for integration of third-party products, etc., and is committed by a company and make it available, provided the most best-informed useChanges in technology.

Because it is usually a significant price difference between the systems?

A large part of the price differences for the split-billing management solution discussed above. Develop a sophisticated system that can include all the many aspects of the entire operation from the supplier requiring the seller to invest millions of dollars each year compared to thousands of dollars for a package of settlement. When it comes to prices, most of the timeget what you paid, not only in terms of features and benefits of the product but also with the suppliers in terms of support, training and other services. One concerns a user needs to understand that the low-end systems is not easy to justify a price high enough to the vendor's resources to be able to select the best employees. While the software industry, there is a trend in which companies with low-end products that have not survived because they can form the basis of revenueto work. The rate of failure among software vendors in this market over time is important because in addition to all other challenges, the number of HME or potential customers is limited to the infusion, the strategy would take it to the market (volume) not apply. Where people are at serious risk! This results) from the number of software companies that have closed or have trouble to explain clearly, the first real (in briefWindows-based system, 10 years after the publication Fastrack Fastrack HME for Windows ® Solution.

Unlike the software for this market is like comparing a Lexus to Hyundai. Both of you get to work every morning, but there is a significant difference in the level of comfort, safety and functionality. There is a substantial difference in the cost of production of a Lexus is a higher price. About the prices, the software is no different from cars, trucks, copiers orthe unit sold. The products of better quality for a good reason to come at a higher price. Make sure that you really compare apples to apples, since the feature of the management system are well set the billing system in terms of overall benefit to society to weigh.

Buy the right software solution can have significant positive or negative impact on your business. We can not say how many people come to us on their system, 3rd, 4th and 5 and we learned thatFastrack They looked at all times, but went with the cheapest option. The low-cost solutions do not meet their needs, especially as the company grew. Ironically, in the long run, proved to be expensive because the cost of software, training, and converts all the data later to the new system.

Most people do not know that the cost of a low-cost and the purchase of a management solution for real when the lease may also be that significant. Just like when youRent a truck or a copier, the real concern should be to fund monthly. For example, the difference is between $ 25,000 and $ 15,000 for the purchase of software on a lease of 60 months only $ 200 per month! If you take into account the tax advantages that may be available to support you, this figure can be further reduced. When factoring applicable deductions may be incurred at least 60% of the purchase price. Nevertheless, it is not worth $ 200 per month are more the sameSoftware and technology as the key supplier to their competitive advantage?

There is a significant difference between the supporting software from multiple vendors, staff training and implementation?

Get a fast and accurate provider is responsible for implementing a new software management solution to receive critical to the success and the full benefits of the software. An important question is whether the staff has been working in the industry and reallyUnderstands your needs. I do not want to solve the training provider of software for the refund to your problems. They also want a supplier that people with knowledge of important areas, and plan to send the application. Some providers offer this service again!

Access to their desktop software to support Internet, Internet-based training for new employees and product enhancements, systems of communication technology to make callsbetter customer service representative are just some examples of things that make the difference and you should seek from the software vendors before purchasing their software. Also make sure that the support prices are all inclusive. Some providers of payment systems if it is a major update.

If they advertise does not mean "Windows" that Microsoft Windows?

NO! Unfortunately, there are relatively few sellers and advertisersDemonstration of how mimics the features of Windows software, but with a programming tool on the Microsoft Windows, but that is not Microsoft Windows, we all know that our PCs. There are companies that use Microsoft Windows, but only as an entry to an older DOS or UNIX. This is competing mainly for marketing reasons, to try to, with one of us, the original version of Microsoft Windows. Moreover, it is simply not honest withYes, there are some serious technical problems brings. By entering a front-end of Windows as an input for the patient, or talk to a UNIX-based billing statement by the two operating systems compete for the same resources. This will tend to slow down the system, the freezing of the program, and has received much more difficult to maintain.

Should I wait until my current provider, to ensure the next generation of its software products?

You probably alreadyYear from their supplier for their plans for an upcoming release of Windows without a NET. Although eventually pull a product, there are a few very important points. The new product is over all the functions you currently have now? It is highly unlikely! In the May issue of HME News, quoted the editor Terry Watson, Vice President of Sales for Care Centric (DEZINE & Mestamed) with the words: "To say that we arrived with a replacement is not the case. If you're aDEZINE Mestamed or user, as seen from a practical standpoint, you can the risk of transforming the functions you really need them in May? And what happens if you put on the use of your existing system, or version you decide? They are strong, advertising their new products (not yet available) for the HME and infusion. When was the last time you saw an ad for Mestamed DEZINE or a product? How have they actually sold in the last few years? This concern must be for manyother publishers.

The lack of features in their new products should be a concern, another is the manner in which they can support this new product? The transition from a UNIX, DOS or Windows or support. Net products require a great change and considerable practical experience and knowledge. You have the skills and experience that is appropriate to assist it in this new environment, has been no support?

Finally, look at the importance of some of theseSuppliers to adopt. Care Centric, for example, has his intention, announced on a long-term care and billing to move. Both have many resources and is definitely a change in its approach to the market.

What happens if the product developed?

Absolutely! In an effort to bring fast products on the market, a number of providers in the area of outsourcing, its efforts to develop products in countries such as India, Russia and China. Although they can be veryTalent do not have exposure to HME, infusion pharmacy, or operations of the home healthcare agency. Therefore, they tend to copy existing suppliers DOS or UNIX product with the intention, just a new Windows look and feel, but no new features and technologies. However, the assistance of the staff of the United States that the general knowledge the lack of planned, was written as the product, which makes it difficult to maintain.

In conclusion, understanding the flow ofSoftware and its functions to ensure that your needs have an important role in your decision are met. The purpose of this paper is to question to you is, is the less obvious, reason to hope will help in your decision.

