วันจันทร์ที่ 1 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Contractors - What does a company set up is that?

You have your business idea, you think you can get a loan and business plan is well written, but ... The burning question is the size - What are the costs for a company to start?

Well first of all you have to be realistic and understand that it is very unlikely that a gain in the first six months of operation - so you can budget should be for the first six months of operating costs. Here's your shopping list:

1) Purchase> Rental / Leasing / local. This does not include the cost of real estate agents, warehouses and other costs.

2) The cost of the changes and the purchase of new equipment. This includes all work required in your premises and equipment to create and manage your business. Often you can rent the equipment to reduce the high initial cost.

3) Six months worth of advertising and marketing. This will be particularly high at the beginning, whenYour business. Factor in some cold calling, and a release party or opening.

4) legal license and bank charges. Your company must be properly configured, and licensees have a bank account, though. Unfortunately, these funds are needed. You may also need treatment services for payment by credit card.

5) The cost of staff for six months. The staff is the basis for a good service to new customers. Make sure that you will find enough money aside,to educate and retain!

6) uniforms, stationery and marketing, packaging, etc. You need your brand. This means that staff will be uniforms, or at least business cards and a name. You need brochures, advertisements, etc. If necessary, you must also standardized packaging and documentation. Your office will also need equipment and office supplies. You should also budget for the design of logos, brochures and advertising, if you can not doThem.

7) Inventory and supplies - so that you in suspense for six months.

8) Maintain continued for six months - the equipment is for six months.

9) the proportion of loans to be paid. A new product from at least six months or to repay to the threshold of profitability and not the loan.

10) The salary for six months - Finally, you have to pay the bills and your family during this time. You have to wait for a short period, the amount ofLife is reduced.

Add this and add 10% contingency

Good luck

