Every company has to serve his own needs and concerns for the shops to their business needs. Every entrepreneur is whether rented or bought, how much space is needed, what kind of property is required to pay as for the purchase or lease, negotiate the best prices, how to negotiate for the best conditions, and how to best to find location. The following six points must be before renting or buying real estate considered:
1.Rent or buy:
It is generally better in the long run your company's own property. This may not be the case if you are strapped for cash. Can a better decision to a facility if you are leasing begin. If you rent a property, your money is much less effort than if you buy a house. The purchase requires a substantial down payment, and you can make a larger use of cash for you if you use theBusiness.
2. Finding the right position
You must remember how long it will be in the same position. If you think you are in the same position for one or two years, the situation in order to serve your goals for this period. If you are planning a longer stay in one place, you must be convinced that the site will suffice for a longer period is greater. For example, there is plenty of parking, as your business grows? It is possible that the area will be aThe field of crime? You may lose your seat for the expropriation of land for the expansion of the road? There are companies in the vicinity that could have a negative impact on your business? If space is still for your customers, employees and suppliers more convenient?
3. I am a lawyer review the lease or purchase
Do not just blindly a lease or purchase, a lawyer before you check your account and try to negotiate prices or better terms.The owner will probably rent or purchase agreement were drafted by their lawyer, and will be writing to the landlord. Feel free to discuss and negotiate, document and your lawyer to do the same.
4. Negotiate the best price for your business!
The results of the good trading May in order to save money for your company enough to hire more staff to start a marketing campaign or to update your devices. You need the best conditions for these negotiationsas the term of the options on the renewal of the lease, rent increases, a lower down payment, purchase of additional space for the future, etc.
When you negotiate a lease, you need to know how the tax will be charged the tenant. It is rented out on the entire surface of the building or the area by the owner based on? If you pay a portion of common area charges or fees, your
Owners must have a detailed breakdown of the costs which a CPA prepared. Shouldalso have the right to the books of the owner or the record must be examined.
5. Choose the right place for your company
If you're just starting your business, or you need to add more space, you want to choose the optimal amount of disk space. If you underestimate your needs, you need to reinstall and can be expensive. If you overestimate, you pay for the unproductive area. You must be sure to know the usable area of the premises
Decide howhow much space you need employees to estimate how many people are directly represented in the new facility. What do you expect them to be telecommuting and working from home? What are your predictions for workers is necessary for the next two years?
6. Characteristics of the construction and layout
What you really need in your school? Consider the cost of each function to see what is economically feasible. What design office to better serve your employees, customers and suppliers?What design promotes the production more efficient? You can find the office layout and design on the Internet and the library or you can hire a professional designer.
Your institution must be able to work during normal working hours without interruption. Your customers, employees and suppliers should provide easy access and ample parking. The premises must be carefully reviewed so that it caused no significant repair afterPossession.
If you need to buy or rent, these issues are carefully examined in order to protect the interests of your company. Before signing any document, the search for homes, the neighborhood and the surrounding area. You need to know as much as possible on a structure in which the company is domiciled.
Jo Ann Joy, Esq., MBA, CEO
The future of your business starts here!
Jo Ann, you can call (602) 663-7007, fax (602)324-7582, e-mail to @ Indigo Business Development Solutions.net joannjoy and emailed: 2313 East Ocotillo Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85016th. Copies of articles are provided free of charge.
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