Reduce costs and control costs tactics, which in many methods of chiropractic. And when I on the budget, are a necessity. Although there is some confusion pipes first of two terms and "Cost Management" is a different matter.
Cost management is not cost -
Cost reduction and cost control is not a strategy. Before cost as part of a long-term strategy and reducing costs in the short-term tacticsMethod.
In general, the cost is because the search costs do not exceed the budget, so you have to cut. Cost containment means that you do not want to exceed the costs, the budget, if you offer to find to keep within the budget line.
Cost control can be a part of the operating costs, but leads to a cost management in the long-term, strategic approach and not a tactical approach to control short-term costs.
As a basic concept, ie the strategic management of costs, a maximumResources in the context of a comprehensive strategy.
In developing a strategy of cost management, we can think about how you make use of the optimal use of resources to achieve your goals.
For example, if an extraordinary experience to offer each visit the patient is important, not with the idea that this means higher costs to begin. Start with the idea that the experience of a life is important and how best to invest the resources to achievedesired result, which probably indicates that spending to save more money for front-end client experience of money in the long run .... PVA will be improved.
Cost-management strategy seems to be a great concept, but implementation is not as difficult as you think. In essence, it was the reflection on the effects of long-term vision, resulting from the costs of practice and improved ease of use, if possible.
Probably there are various tactics are already being used, butsummarized as a genuine strategic approach can be represented. Examples of techniques that could have as a strategy of cost include:
* New in bulk - warehouse clubs like BJ's, Sam's Club and Costco gives you the opportunity to buy, the supplies pens, paper, printer cartridges, cleaning and even toilet paper - buy in large quantities offered at prices that most office supply stores.
This means that the deliveries take longer, the budget for office supplies andto wait and easier than depreciation for the tax, according to a single receipt book makes it very easy.
So ask your suppliers for discounts if you buy in bulk and service contract terms that are longer than those you currently have. Also, if someone who put on many conferences and trade shows, a shopping list before the next visit to the discounts on the site almost always available.
* Use your suppliers --She is asking for discounts for bulk purchases or in bulk only one way to help you with the supplier. Remember, they usually have the same problems of cash flow that you do, so they may be willing to offer, discounts for early payment or cash. Can be expected to provide better prices guaranteed monthly return command.
* Co-op Go while you can - Join a group purchasing volume. They are available for the purchase of everything from common supplies you may need the equipment, electricity and gas.Often, the trade association for your industry and commerce also provide access to these groups, not to mention the discounts that they are clean.
Shop their services each year - will be maintained, telephone number, merchant account, can access Internet service provider or other services, shopping around is still helping to better manage these costs.
* Buy Barter. Chiropractic treatment, you can negotiate with other providers of products or services,Sample.
* Renegotiation of the lease - if you're ready to move which was to increase again on a lease or you can do it better to do an open dialogue with the landlord. When you lease runs in the next term, ask your landlord re-location for an extended period at a lower rate of pension. Yes they are. And you can do with rental equipment as well. Check your bank give you a better price and pay the rentCurrent landlord, for example.
Note that the costs are measured for the many by a system of accounting. The cost of patient care because of poor quality and service is an example. To decline as the impact of patient experience, and your collections, further cost reductions will improve your final result.
This is a real cost that is part of the cost should not be measured explicitly, but by a system of accounting.
Another example is the opportunity costTime people. If the projects and the allocation of tasks, it is worthwhile to consider what will be waived if an employee the task or project to be. For example, I had asked a Chiropreneur of his team at the last minute to a ratio performance. The employee had to care for patients to give form to complete the Chiropreneur wanted.
Replace your telephone answering machine with voicemail, saving money, but what will the effect that the experience of the patient calls your officeafter hours?
You can reduce the team. reduce the effort, but that is stretched to the limits, or causes of burn-out for the rest of the staff?
If you think of the cost, remember that there's so much more than the value of time, what is spent on the direct costs and expenses.
Spent so much time, overhead, reduce to attract new patients, and it may be easier to increase your MPN) (production of new patients, you can cutOverhead to the bone.
And remember, it is virtually impossible to reduce the size!