วันอังคารที่ 22 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Types of leases

If you are financing to commercial leasing equipment to attract the type of study considered leasing is right for your business:

Operating Leases - This is the typical "off-budget" type of lease. This is a short term lease and is often on the device for which there has emerged a strong likelihood of it when the contract ends, high-tech equipment , computers, copiers, or use levels. It meets 4 criteriaby the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB):

Property 1) of the property does not automatically transferred to the lessee at the end of the lease.

2) The contract does not contain a bargain purchase option.

3) the lease term is less than 75% of the useful life of the plants.

4) The present value of the rent is equal to less than 90% of the cost of the equipment.

In this scenario, the payments areeffort and have no assets or liabilities in the balance is recognized. The accounting profession is to play with these rules, within the next 5 years, there is no off-off-budget in May. If the position meets these standards, the payment can be recorded as an expense. But if your financial data is not audited, the IRS has a more flexible definition of what an operating lease. In general, this treatment will allow for a lease of a10% of the purchase option.

Capital Lease - is also called a lease. It is good, and the issue of liability and the lease typically has an option to purchase price of $ 1.00 to. Companies that these types of leases are provided for various reasons, mainly to manage cash flow, flexibility, fixed payments and a tax deduction for.

Sale / Leaseback - This is a situation that has acquired in a businessEquipment and uses them to a leasing company, which in turn leased use. The main reason for a sale / leaseback is one such company which recently saw money paid for a piece of cloth, she that the rescue to make better use of money.

Trac Lease - This applies to vehicles. In this lease, the tenant to the landlord guarantees that will not suffer losses from the buy-back or at the end of the lease.In general, these types of leases with a tractor and trailer.

Once you have the type of lease, find your business, you fit and talk to various funding sources before a finance company that you work for the present and the future. Many companies opt for a lease / finance companies because they can have the cheapest prices. Sometimes the prices are not the most important factor that could flexible, easy to worka finance company or a firm commitment to working with you in the future. Whatever your decision, make sure you feel comfortable with the people that you work, because in the end those who are in a position to help with plans for future expansion of your business are.

Research because Advantage Leasing for your company in the financial industry. Our headquarters in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and serve customers on a national level.

